Instead, There Will Be No Kolab 18

We had previously planned for a Kolab 18 release, but given the additional work associated with slapping a new version number on an otherwise fully compatible series of enhancements, have decided against it.

Kolab Now Really Beta (DevOps Edition)

This week, I accidentally made Kolab Now Beta really beta — though pre-alpha more than beta, strictly speaking — completely intentionally; Oops, I #devops'ed — Kolab Operations (@kolabops) September 5, 2017 I can now proudly announce it runs off of otherwise public GIT source repositories directly, and the developers working on the projects involved… Continue reading Kolab Now Really Beta (DevOps Edition)

Purposefully Not the Center of Attention

While it’s been argued before, over and over again, that the concepts behind a crypto-currency like BitCoin or Ethereum or Ripple or LiteCoin might mean the upheaval of the traditional economy, it’s also been argued that it is actually the underlying blockchain technology that implies the change of pace. I disagree. One can arguably not… Continue reading Purposefully Not the Center of Attention

Kolab 16 Available for Ubuntu Xenial: Testing

I wrote before about a lack of support for PHP 7 in an essential utility used to generate language-specific bindings to our libraries, called SWIG. Well, on December 29th 2016, SWIG released a version that does support PHP 7. In the past few days, I’ve spent some time in patching both libkolabxml and libkolab packages… Continue reading Kolab 16 Available for Ubuntu Xenial: Testing

Kolab 16.1 for Jessie: Way Ahead of Schedule

I reported before that I was a little ahead of schedule in making Kolab 16.1 available for Debian Jessie, and as it turns out I was wrong — I’m way ahead. In fact, installing and configuring Kolab 16.1 on Jessie passes without any major head-aches. I think the one little tidbit I have left relates… Continue reading Kolab 16.1 for Jessie: Way Ahead of Schedule

Kolab 16.1 for Jessie: Ahead of Schedule

I told you earlier this week I would be working on providing Debian packages for Kolab 16 next week, but an appointment I had this week was cancelled, and I get to get started just ever so slightly earlier than expected. This lengthens the window of time I have to deal with all the necessities,… Continue reading Kolab 16.1 for Jessie: Ahead of Schedule

Kolab 16.1: What’s on the Horizon

This is an announcement I just know you’re going to want to read: Kolab 16.1 will become available for the following platforms, with more details to come soon; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and CentOS 7, Debian Jessie (8) This week, I’ll be working to make Kolab:16 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (Maipo) the… Continue reading Kolab 16.1: What’s on the Horizon

Heads-up on NSS 3.27, Guam

Many distributions, among which Fedora in 23 & 24, and Arch Linux, have recently shipped NSS 3.27, sometimes packaged as 3.27.0, or even 3.27.1. This release may just have triggered some confusion about disabling, enabling, and defaulting to or not, the NSS implementation of TLS version 1.3 (currently in draft). Fun! We’ve received reports from… Continue reading Heads-up on NSS 3.27, Guam

Re: 503s on

I’ve told you yesterday, that “503 Service Unavailable” errors on were caused by the system running out of memory. I’ve meanwhile taken the following actions; I’ve nailed down the particular task at hand causing the OOM to 2999348, It is related to T1351, I suspect the so-called “Transaction Publish Worker” task executed for it… Continue reading Re: 503s on

503s on

We regularly experience “503: Service Unavailable” on as of late, even though the system is more up to date, and both fatter and leaner. Fatter, because more resources are allocated to it. More CPU, more memory, larger APC, opcache, and database services got separated out from the system, and put on to a MariaDB… Continue reading 503s on