, now w/ oauth now allows you to login with Facebook, GitHub, Google+ and/or a Twitter account using OAuth. Naturally I require users with privileges to either not link any account and/or configure a second factor. It’s only valid for the click-and-pray web interface though, and that does not allow us to make any changes to source code… Continue reading, now w/ oauth

Kolab, SSO and Second Factors

Kolab Groupware is a collaboration suite establishing the integration of various applications you know already; Most prominently, these include 389 Directory Server, Postfix, Cyrus IMAP and Roundcube. Together, these applications would comprise a simple mail system that, in terms of functionality, would fall short of “groupware” and “collaboration” functionality. Side-note: Cyrus IMAP has added CalDAV,… Continue reading Kolab, SSO and Second Factors