Kolab Now: Another Round of Updates

This weekend has seen a variety of systems being issued either of, or combination of, the following commands; yum -y update yum –enablerepo=kolab-16-updates-testing -y update puppet agent -t –no-noop reboot rm -f /dev/null; mknod -m 666 /dev/null c 1 3 I don’t expect everyone to know and understand what these pieces mean, so I’ll divide… Continue reading Kolab Now: Another Round of Updates

Puppet is out, in comes Ansible

I manage and have managed thousands and thousands of systems during my career so far, and I continue to believe that a level of configuration management is required for any environment that consists of zero or more nodes. To this purpose, I had deliberately chosen Puppet — some 8 years ago. I’ve authored a couple… Continue reading Puppet is out, in comes Ansible