Waterfall or Agile?

The Kolab development team uses the agile development methodology called Scrum. This is an iterative development process set out to achieve a predictable, consistent flow of incremental improvements to a software product, and as such is basically considered mutually exclusive with the concept of a pre-defined end-result. As I’ve mentioned many times before, Kolab includes… Continue reading Waterfall or Agile?

Short- vs. Long-term Commitments

It is not commonly understood how software development projects moving forward as fast as they can and sometimes do, can be in direct conflict with their actual rate of adoption, not to mention their commercial delivery to market. This post outlines the differences between short- and long-term commitments, and how the distinction can be used… Continue reading Short- vs. Long-term Commitments

The Evolution of Kolab Development

In the past, even before I joined the Kolab community, our product was released on a feature-based schedule. We’ve changed that to time-based releases, with an aim to be able to provide something new every 6 months or so. We’re now changing it again, but not in the way you might think. Not too long… Continue reading The Evolution of Kolab Development