Say, What Are You Going to Blog?

Hi there,

This is a first blog post on WordPress, the one blogging platform I could find that does not have an all bad dysfunctional editor. I suppose I could’ve known, usually things are popular for a reason. With the exception of those Jabber-on-Steroids self-help programs, I reckon.

I’ve been using different blogging platforms on-and-off again, including LiveJournal, BlogSpot and Phame, and recently my attention had been drawn to Ghost — as hypothetically the next big thing in blogging. I found it not as good as I had hoped… My first WUT? moment is at the size of the installation — I ended up with over 500 MB.

In any case, after quite a pause in blogging, I figured I might pick it up again. I think my last post on BlogSpot was from 2008, I recall having done a few posts from Sydney in 2009 on LiveJournal. I’ve used the site for a few things related to Kolab, but nothing personal. It’s been too long.

So, many of my current projects are software development projects in PHP, Python, Sphinx, there’s some Ruby, Erlang, C, C++ and others, and I wanted to share more about what’s going on with those — limited to just the interesting and insightful parts of it all, hopefully.